Cheeky vs. Practical Tchotchkes on the Trade Show Floor

trade show tchotckes

Let’s get real about ROI on trade show tchotchkes!

A.  The short term attention grab or cheeky tchotchkes serve a short term purpose.

Are you reaching the right audience by drawing the attention of your target market? If the purpose of your trade show tchotchke is to simply offer a giveaway to grab the attention of anyone walking into your booth space and gain a brief conversation, then mission accomplished.


B.  Longevity, offering visual reminders for the next time a need arises, your company’s name and website jumps out, plus the added benefit of some practical or fanciful design physically sitting on their desk or in hand on a daily basis. Now this tchotchke is providing the long term benefit you were hoping to achieve! It might be more fiscally responsible to be more thoughtful about the marketing function plus daily function in the lives of your ideal customer; and then perhaps you can justify providing your trade show tchotchke.

Let’s take a scenario from a favorite company of mine, who gave away stuffed orange unicorns at their show. They were pleased, they gave away herds of unicorn, which were adorable and bright. But consider for a moment the final function of those cute little unicorns! My guess is that Barbie and Ken were ultimately the audience of the unicorn, since Nanny or Poppy gave it away to a grandchild and so its shelf life might be lived out in a toy box!

Is this a good enough for you?  Perhaps it provided a few moments of pleasure when the grandparent gave it away to their grandchild, but does your marketing message remain behind or just a vague positive fading memory that your company provided a free toy? If you are looking for a true ROI, then read on.

Thinking about the shelf-life or post-who function of your trade show tchochke is key. The ideal location for a post-show tchotchke is likely the desk of your prospect, where they can view it or perhaps use it daily. Even the location of a bathroom sinktop or kitchen countertopr would further increase the chances of your companie’s name being ingrained in their minds. What useful items come to mind when you think of your personna? Will they be using travel mugs for their daily hot coffee? With your logo and website emblazzend on its side, they may think of your when the need arises. How about a USB stick, if that is a part of your prospects daily routine? Pens are not completely a thing of the past, and if your offer an attractive, smooth rolling pen which glides across paper; it too, could become that daily reminder of your company. There is a huge selection of trade show tchotchkes to choose from, but which one will speak to your targeted personnas best while providing some usefulness to daily tasks.  I do not sell those tchotchkes, but my company does sell trade show displays.

One exception to the rule is if your booth logo identity relates to lambs, Serta,  then you should be giving away little soft, fluffy lambs; as it strongly identifies with the qualities of their product.

