giclee printing services charlottesville virginia

Should a beautiful painting only be seen by one person?

Should a beautiful melody only be heard by one person?

In today’s music industry, one can access the latest creation out there,  available to all in an instant through the internet.  Historically, the art of music has always been broader reaching through the reproduction of sound with taping, records, and CD’s; not to mention live concerts.

But what about the art world?  How accessible is a single masterpiece, like the Mona Lisa?   Artists show their art to limited audiences within a single gallery and at best, a travelling show.  Paintings which are sold to individuals are then seen by even fewer and even worse, can get locked away in some archive after the purchase has been made.  The artist gets paid, and that is the end of it.  What opportunities exist now that can enhance the pubic’s accessibility to art, while compensating the artist with a steady income today?

The Solution: the Giclee Fine Art Print

Giclee’s are professional, meticulous fine art reproduction prints, specifically made to capture the color accuracy of each color in the artist’s palette, and the finest line detail maintaining crisp sharpness.  This digital capture can then be printed on canvas or watercolor paper or photo paper.  There is absolutely no comparison to its exquisite fine-tuned detail in reproduction to an ordinary digital copy.   There is a methodology to every step of the Giclee’ process which includes a calibration system and repeatedly massaging minutuae areas of a single painting in order to keep all features, shadow detail and color, concise and true to the original!

Purists may scoff, but many a fine-tuned eye would be challenged to discern between original and its giclee!   Not only does this open up opportunities to share the art, but its also an avenue for steady income.  The artist has the opportunity to have digital capture files made of their best portfolio pieces.  Broader markets open up and works can be shown in a few locations around the world.  And depending on the guidelines of the gallery, you could send out these representations as your original artwork without risk of loss or damage to the originals.

With giclees, more people in the world may now view your single exquisite painting. Giclee art reproductions paired with access to communicate across the world, changes the shape of how the public views and accesses art.  The artist can now potentially thrive in such an enviroment, while continuing to create and share new art.   Giclee reproduction prints and internet communications would have been a dream for the Old Masters, why not take advantage of today’s opportunity for your art?!

giclee, fine art reproduction services

photo credit: Linda Bailey
