print reproductions on canvas

Prints on canvas are meticulously tuned by the professional staff and methods used at PhotoWorksGroup. With our giclee fine art reproduction method, we use a specified combination of inks and “archival substrate canvas” rated to last 200 years! A fine art reproduction of your painting can be printed onto canvas on a variety of sizes. Images from photos can be printed onto canvas with an Epson inkjet printer.This is the most archival printing method for prints on canvas!

Prints on canvas can also be created from your photo digital files, but enlargement possibilities are dependent on the resolution of your supplied files.  If a  larger image from a suitably res’d up image, we would use our solvent ink printer simply because its larger. Prints on canvas with solvent ink are an option. We can also print on canvas with our UV flatbed printer, which prints directly to any substrate. Call us to discuss which method would best suit your needs for prints on canvas!
